Tag Archives: Moss

Instant Legends of the Fall

 I will just cut to the chase.  Typically in the ebb and flow of how art galleries and their monthly cycles go, the end of the month (as I’ve talked about here and there many times and moons before) is used for gearing up for the next round of shows while the past shows are waning to an end.  This month is totally different and I love it for that (and many other reasons).  If you remember, I mentioned that this is the month of Earth, Wind, and Fire’s September.  I don’t lie.

To set the mood for the weekend blowout of grand opening proportions, what better way other than throwing on a little Barry White or Marvin Gay on the record player than to combine a Two-for-Thursday for the ages.  Yeah, I made that up and said it!  Let me talk about one night and two different places with lots of friendly faces and styles of art.  The first, starting at 6pm and running through 9pm, leave it to my favorite art pusher man, Ed Nash, to open his new studio in an Open Studio of sorts.  Serving as his new studio and gallery space, Nash is providing the space and the party refreshments to celebrate the viewing of new paintings and sculptures.  It is FREE, but you must talk to Nash and RSVP  by clicking HERE before the last minute.  And speaking of parties and last minute, you might just want to make note that my favorite music pusher band, Jonathan Sexton and The Big Love Choir is coming back to Music City for their latest EP Release Party and show this Thursday, September 22nd, starting at 6pm, at Douglas Corner Café (2106 8thAvenue South).  Not only is it a chance for you to help the solid band on the rise release their “Take These Days” EP in style, but JSBLC will be donating $1 for each drink purchased the night of the event to Musicians On Call.  It certainly appears to be a win-win for everyone on Thursday night around these two events.

Then, and I mean THEN, Saturday, September 24this going to be like Haley’s Comet in the 5 Points District.  There will be 4 epic things happening all on the same night and within walking distance of each other.  First and certainly not least, right beside Art & Invention Gallery, you will find the latest brain-child of Bret and Meg in their GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION of The Five Point Collaborative (An Idea Hatchery).  Mayor Karl Dean will be on hand at 1:30pm for an official ribbon cutting ceremony that will be followed later by an Opening Reception from 6-9pm.  In case you haven’t noticed the seismic shift of foot traffic in the Idea Hatcher ever since it opened with this year’s Tomato Fest, introduce yourself to the new faces on the block as in Alegria, Bizen, East Garden, 5 Points Digital Imaging, Glen Miller, Goodbuy Girls, Moss, and This Oktipus Printing Company.

Then, and I mean THEN, right beside the Idea Hatchery, the mother ship of Art and Invention is once again hosting its annual (3rdif you’re counting) Proto Pulp-Classic Books of the Future group exhibit devoted to children’s books and the artists who have created them.  Proto Pulp includes several completed book projects, along with artwork, designs and prototypes for future books from the following featured artists: Adrianne Waxman, Bethany Taylor, Deborah Allen, Janet Lee, Johanna Mueller, Julia Sola, Laura Baisden, Maisy Owen, Marianne Bouldin, Mark Sloniker, Molly Brooks, and Sarah Kaufman.  The opening reception is Saturday, Septemeber 24th, from 6-9pm, and the show will last until October 23rd.  Side note, Los Angeles based artist Guy Lovin is going to have a weekend long Trunk Show with his designer jewelry at Art & Invention (trunk show times are Friday from 11am-6pm and then Saturday from 11am-9pm).

And in conjunction with the festivities at and within Bret and Meg’s creative world, two other neighbors will be open just as late and with just as much fun.  Bryant Gallery, on 1113 Woodland Street, is opening a new group show featuring Green Daniel, Hunt Adams, and many other local artists from noon-9pm.  AND Wonders on Woodland & Back East, on 1110 Woodland Street, will also be open until 9pm on Saturday with their own offerings of eclectic antiques, collectibles, and mid-century modern furniture.  I’d say you will be hard-pressed to find a valid excuse to miss out on all of the fabulous fun in one area that I’ve listed above. 

That said, take what I’ve written you and do what you will.  Thanks for stopping by and I hope that you end September and begin October with the same excitement as we at Nashville’s heART will.  Be well and be nice to one another.

Until next week’s update, as you were … busy but happy.

much love,
